Fear & Loathing
- Barney
- Power Rangers
- Ninja Turtles
- Smurfs
- Diet Sodas
- Howard Stern
- Rush Limbaugh (Ditto This you Troglodyte!)
- Televangelists
- Obscenely Loud Car Stereos
- Small Yapping Dogs
(Their legs are just long enough so when you kick them, they get some *real* good hang time!
So flame me..... :) )
- Newt Gingrich (He looks like a Televangelist, which makes me trust him even less!)
- Bob Saget (Guilty of First Degree Murder of Jokes)
- Urkel
- Marty Rimm (You'll never e-mail in this town again!)
- Scientology
- The Republican Contract on^H^Hwith America
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Peter Isaacson
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